Friday was a busy day for us. I dropped Tom off at work in the AM so I could get some shopping done and a short walk in. The walk didn't happen, but more shopping than necessary did. After we were done, we surprised Tom by picking him up for his meeting downtown. Instead of him going alone via shuttle bus, we all went for lunch! Claire loves the subway for some reason, maybe it's the loud noise... or maybe it's all the funny weird people staring at her. She's such a charmer-- I'm already a little worried about what life's going to be like in 16 years (make that 20). I thought we were going to my fav lunch spot downtown, Cosi's, but we didn't have time. We ended up going to some Japanese place. "I'll take the chicken, hold the rice." ANYWAYS, it was fun. Tom went to his meeting, I got my hair cut and my brows waxed (needed it, badddd). Then we went home. Actually, I went home, Tom went to a party. FIGURES. :) Hey, speaking of hair... I'm thinking about getting highlights, NOT blonde, that would be lame. Not that blonds are lame.... but, black hair with blond highlights.... is lame. Ok, this post has gone on long enough. Do you think Claire looks like an Aussie in her hat?? "G'day mate!"
Sounds like a fun trip with good food- and the company must have made it. She looks like herself, no Aussie, thankfully. In the first photo she reminds me of a teacher who is going to point out some important fact that she really wants her students to remember. Could you pull back the hat so I can see her eyes next time?
K thanks. Another Monday...Greta
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