Too Cool For School

You want some pictures? Fine, here they are. Um, just kidding... about the 'tude, not the pics. Well, as you all know we moved to Texas recently. Some other recent developments... hmmm... well... let's see. I did find out that my best friend from college is stationed here-- HELLO, pretty cool if you ask me. She stopped by the other day to say hi-- Claire is terrified of her big Texas voice, but she'll get used to it eventually. Maybe is was the bandana, I don't know. Blueberries Les, just bring the blueberries. (See Lee's post titled "The Way to Claire's Heart") Really, we have no news. It's been over 100 degrees here every day, but it's fine because a)everywhere has AC BLASTED and b)that includes our house, so I'm still wearing my hoodies.
None of you care about my life anyway.. I KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. As you can see, Claire is now using a couple signs. Pictures 1 and 2 are "more" and picture 3 is why she's willing to do it. She also signs "done" after lots and lots of mores.

HOORAY! SHE KEEPS THE SUNGLASSES ON!!! I convinced her that it really is cool to wear those things, so she manages to keep them on for sometimes up to five minutes. And always when she's posing for a picture. I think a second after this pic was snapped Tom got wiped out. I also taught her the stiff-arm. Okkkaay, I'm tired. Bye.
Thanks, Fle!!!!! This lonely auntie could use a pick-me-up like that every day! I absolutely ADORE the sunglasses picture with her little teeth showing...I see a really cute digiscrap layout in the works! She already looks like she's grown and changed since you were here...hrmph! She's getting too big!
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