As far as fun goes, on a scale of 1-10, I'd have to rate this as a solid 13. Actually, I can't really remember what we did... but based on pictures, I think we went to downtown Waltham. Hmm, yes, we did.

We took some hamburger buns down to the ducks, only to find MEAN geese. I hate those things... I've had plenty of bad experiences with geese but one in particular comes to mind-- being attacked by about 15 hissing, piggish beastly birds. Meh, next topic.
After seeing the Charles, we walked up and down the main strip. I would say our highlight here was this very well-stocked costume shop.

We were impressed with the selection and the ease at which complete transformations were achieved. Do you even see a white girl? Because I see Bob Marley.

Is that the monkey from Aladdin? Anyways, it was a good day... I hope fun was had by all... and not just me.
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