We got some bikes.

Friday afternoon Tom decided to do some bike shopping over in Belmont. If you know Tom, that means we would probably be purchasing some bikes... and we did. We had already gone one spring in Boston without them, and we weren't about to let that happen again. We headed down to Wheel Works and got a couple Trek hybrids (frame and handlebars like a mountain bike, wheels like a street bike). It was fun, but I know nothing about bikes. It's been a while since I even rode a bike and the last one I owned was fluorescent pink, if you get my drift. My observation on our new bikes is this, and this only: they match and they're really cute. We also picked up a Topeak baby seat for on the back of Tom's bike. .... Saturday morning, had to try 'em out. We took a ride on a nearby bike trail, GORGEOUS. We made our way to the next town, in order to visit a favorite ice cream stand of ours (unfortunately, I wasn't feeling my flavor, oh well). Claire took a nap in her seat for the first half hour-- guess we don't need to worry about her being a light sleeper. Anyway, everything was loads of fun, until the next morning, when I tried to walk... Sorry the pics don't have better views of the bikes themselves. I guess the photographer was distracted... by people. (That's ok Katrina, I usually am too!) I also just realized in every single pic on the blog I'm wearing my Kelso jacket. I swear I own more clothes...
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