Okay, actually Snuffles, but who knows how to spell when they're one? So... I know it's been forever since I posted on here, but nowadays I'm a pretty busy girl. Both of us are very very busy. Just to list a few of our goings on... (the list by me, the mother): trip to visit Tom's little sister, Meg, one week long. Uh oh, that's all I've done. I swear there's more but I'm drawing a blank. Ok, Claire's list: 'nother haircut, 4 shots in the thighs, a cold, lots of talking, lots of threatening to walk, and a visit with her great grandma Helen.
Oh man, this post is going nowhere fast. I know I've done more.. I know it. When my mom was here I dug up and planted all of my garden beds. I'm proud to say that so far only every single mum has died. :) Ok, what else. Yep, that's it. I'M BUSY, I SWEAR!
Now, for a message from Claire. "About those snuffies. I don't have two doting grandmas for nothin'! This is by far the cutest stuffed animal I've ever seen and I keep trying to take them from mom's friend Kristi, but she NEVER will part with even one-- and she has like 10! Please, please, please can I have a snuffy of my own???"
Yay! You FINALLY updated! I need regular pics of CB and have not been getting nearly enough! Hey - you never called me back, Fle! We need to talk! Love, Lee
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