Has it really been two months since my last blog!?

Well SORRY everyone. Especially those of you constantly hounding me to update-- there's no need to sign every email with "please update your stinking blog" :p
Let us see... is there any news? Yesterday was Valentine's Day. We decided to celebrate this commercialized holiday by doing nothing, except taking some pics of Claire in a very cute outfit Grandma Lisa sent her, and also baking brownies for Tom's class... and also receiving flowers AND a love poem, via voicemail! HAHAHAHA, WE'RE LAME... so shoot us. But not really.
We are planning a weekend getaway back to Texas to visit our long lost adopted family member, Lester. It's been about 6 weeks since we've seen her and Claire still constantly asks for her by baby signing a made-up "name" Leslie taught her. (Patting knee while smiling like a goof ball)! She'll probably never say "Leslie" because of it, even though she can now pronounce some pretty complex words like "dolphin" and "WAHHHHHHHHH".
Tom's classes are going great. Yesterday Claire and I got to visit Daddy in action doing some pretty neat stuff. Claire thought it was so fun because the teacher loved her and gave her some toy planes. Also, one of the guys let Claire have a package of fig newtons, which she stuffed in her mouth two a time. Um, girly, that was NOT attractive and it's not going to win you any dates in the future, fyi :) Ahhhhhh, we're having a good time down here, but I'm really excited to move... really excited!!!!
I keep checking every few months to see if you are still alive. I miss you!
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