My life.. or parts of it at least!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

We're now in Missouri visiting G and M-- by far the best part of the road trip to Texas. But we also managed to squeeze in another short trip up to Niagara Falls, Ontario. Ok... let me just give a word of advice. If you're going to see the Falls, go Canadian. NOT because the falls are so much better on that side, but I will guarantee you that you have a lot better chance of not getting robbed on that side. US Niagara=Ghetto. Don't get me wrong, I love the US, eh?
Anyways, we stayed at the Double Tree overlooking the US side falls, which is the view you see here. We didn't do EVERYTHING tourist-y... ok, we did. We went on the Maid of the Mist boat so we could experience a squall... we went shopping at the Casino and the outlets, and we had some awesome sushi. Those were all great, but my favorite thing in Canada was my whirlpool tub. HUGE, and fabulous. My least favorite? The taxes... 15%, you've got to be kidding me!!!
Day 3-10
Sorry folks, we're in the middle of a move and I can't really blog this week... for now. Meg, I did manage to make the "faces" collage... tho I will admit I almost threw the comp out of the window because it locked up from dealing with such a HUGE file. Boo. Anyways, I'm moving on, no more Meg's visit.