I am Ball, Ball is Me

This is a post all about Claire. I know what you're thinking-- "Like that's anything new!" Well, you're right, but you didn't have to point it out! Anyways, from the title of the post, from the pictures.. I think you can tell where this is going. Claire is obsessed with her new best friend, a plastic ball. Actually, there are four of them that came with the toy. She just changes color depending on her outfit. Just kidding. But I'm NOT kidding about the obsession, because she needs the things. She holds onto one all the time, even when she plays with us. She goes to bed with it, crawls with it, plays outside with it. The only time I take it away is when she eats, and then it has to be in sight and she constantly checks on it. I think she may be trying to say "ball"... It's also how she explores things. Will it break? -- hit ball against it. Will it make a noise? -- yep, when i hit it with ball it does! Will it bend? -- ball bent it. Etc. etc. We've got a real problem here, my kid's in love with a ball!